


Übersicht - Reiseziele - Afrika - Namibia

John Manning
Photographic Guide to the Wildflowers of South Africa

South Africa has a rich flora of around 19 000 different wildflower species. Several of these, especially proteas, gerberas, agapanthus and clivias, are now internationally known, while the brightly coloured flowers of freesias, nerinas, sparaxis and chincherinchees have become favourites in gardens throughout the world.

Each year thousands of visitors are drawn to the spring wildflower displays that transform the landscapes of Namaqualand and the Western Cape. For those who wish to know more about South Africa's wildflowers this very richness poses its own problems. Most flower guides cover little more than small stretches of the country and the others include too few species to be of much use. Wildflowers of South Africa aims to overcome these deficiencies. Carefully conceived to cover those wildflowers that are most likely to attract attention, this countrywide guide includes nearly 900 of the most common and conspicuous wildflowers that occur in South Africa and the neighbouring countries of Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia.

Der Autor
The author John Manning is a research botanist at the National Botanical Institute in Cape Town and is a world authority on the iris and hyacinth families. He has written or co-authored over 100 popular and scientific papers as well as seven wildflower guides. He has a particular interest in popularising South Africa?s wildflowers and has become widely recognised as an illustrator and flower photographer in the process.

Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges., 2004, 352 S.
39,80 Euro
Broschiert, w. numerous col. photos and maps
ISBN: 978-3-8047-2121-0

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