


Übersicht - Reiseziele - Afrika - Namibia

Gabi Schneider
The Roadside Geology of Namibia
Sammlung geologischer Führer

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Since the beginning of the last century, scientists from all over the world have been attracted to Namibia to study the country’s geology, which is uniquely exposed in the desert environment. Their research has shaped geological thinking worldwide, and led to the development of many new concepts.

Research has been varied and widespread, as demonstrated by the numerous publications that have appeared on Namibian geology. For example, in the 1920s the work of Hans Cloos provided new insights into the formation of igneous rocks. In the 1960s research targeting the famous Late Proterozoic Ediacaran fauna, which was first found in Namibia, changed our ideas of the evolution of life on this planet, and the concept of Plate Tectonics was greatly enhanced by studies of the famous Damara Orogen of Namibia in the 1970s and 1980s. More recently, research on glacial sediments within the Damara Orogen has led to the development of the concept of global glaciations, the so-called Snowball Earth concept.

Due to its arid climate and low population density, geological features are ever present and eye-catching in Namibia. The sparse vegetation coupled with the small number of towns and isolated settlements leave ample open spaces to observe geological features with clarity and in detail. It is for these reasons that both scientists and laymen are attracted to the country, and many a tourist develops a keen interest in geology when travelling through Namibia’s beautiful landscapes.

The Roadside Geology of Namibia has been prepared in response to a growing demand for geological information. The guide provides a general introduction into the geological development of Southern Africa and Namibia in particular, followed by general chapters on mineralogy, palaeontology, hydrogeology and mining. The book has 294 pages, 112 figures and 1 table. Special geological attractions of Namibia are described in detail, with route descriptions based on the 1999 simplified 1:2 000 000 geological map of Namibia, published by the Geological Society of Namibia. This simplified map is based on the 1:1 000 000 scale geological map of Namibia published by the Geological Survey of Namibia in 1980.

Borntraeger Verlag, 2004, 294 S.
38,00 Euro
Broschiert, 90 schwarz-weiß und 22 farbige Abbildungen, 1 schwarz-weiß Tabellen
ISBN: 978-3-443-15080-8

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